Full House Dr. Dare Rides Again

Credits Gag:  Danny and the girls get together to make up one's mind what to name the dog.  Everyone comes up with a bunch of crappy names until DJ suggests "Comet," her reason being, "because he'southward fast and he has a tail."  Then at that place you go. That is why the canis familiaris'southward proper noun is Comet.  This is another rare example of the pre-credits gag being relevant to the rest of the evidence.  In this case, it'south actually relevant to the residue of the series.  Naming the dog equals a pivotal result.

Equally Rebecca Donaldson urges Danny to hurry up so they can get to the airport on time, she delivers a bunch of useful exposition about where the 2 of them are going.   Apparently they're flying to some way expo in LA, where they will receive fancy makeovers.  It's kind of weird that she decides to tell the family all of this simply a few minutes before heading out…  I don't know, information technology'southward almost similar she's delivering unnaturally placed exposition in order to fix the plot for the audience or something.  As Danny heads out the door, Stephanie asks if the domestic dog can slumber in her bed while he's away but Danny aint havin it.

Stephanie tricks Michelle into looking the other way while the canis familiaris eats her ice foam and the infant gets hella pissed.  She keeps saying, "the doggy ate my owse cream" which you ameliorate believe gets milked hard for the rest of this episode.

The doorbell rings unexpectedly and OH MY GOD YOU GUYS Information technology'S SCOTT BAIO!!!  AHHHHHHH!!!  SQUEAL!!!  OH MY GOD IT'S REALLY HIM!!!  It'S FUCKIN CHACHI, YOU GUYS!  HE'S AT THE Full HOUSE OH MY GOD!!!  MUFUCKIN CHARLES IN Charge, Y'ALL!!!

So it turns out that Scott Baio is an former friend of Jesse'southward who he hasn't seen since a little before Full Business firm started.  When Scott Baio goes into the kitchen to greet Jesse, he expects to meet him rollin' doobies and bangin hoes on his motorbike similar they used to do in the adept ol' days, but instead he finds him singing "The Farmer in the Dell" in a cowboy frock while trivial girls trip the light fantastic around him in a circle.  I know that we've seen Jesse do some pretty lame stuff over the course of this series and that the bespeak of this scene is to prove how much Jesse has changed since he's moved into the total house and everything but, god damn, could they have peradventure picked a more pussy donkey activeness for this guy to be engaged in while his friend walks in?  I mean, really, how oft do they break out into choruses of children's songs on this evidence?  How did that even get started?  Joey went to answer the door almost a infinitesimal ago and the kids were arguing.  Did they really patch things up and so pause into vocal that quickly?  Fuck.

So anyway, Scott Baio and Jesse are really happy to be reunited since Scott Baio's been abroad traveling around Europe or something.  The two of them reminisce about all the pussy they got dorsum in the day while the girls stand up effectually looking confused or disapproving, which is a routine they used to do a lot with Jesse early on in the show but was phased out since Jesse settled downwards with Rebecca Donaldson, therefore entering a life of chastity.  Anyway, Jesse introduces Scott Baio to his corny new family and Scott Baio makes comments about how soft and wholesome Jesse has become.  He reveals to the girls that Jesse used to be referred to as "Dr. Dare" and that he'd do any dumb ass bullshit anyone dared him to.  Jesse decides to relive his lost youth by riding around on motorcycles and acting like a jerkoff with Scott Baio for the next few days.

Jesse and Scott Baio come back to the full house afterwards a long nighttime of, I don't know what… certainly not drinking.  What could the characters on this show possibly exercise when they wanna cut loose?  They were probably playing freeze tag in the park or something…anyhow, they decide to cap off the evening past singing "Louie Louie" in Jesse's room.  The singing wakes upwardly the girls, including Stephanie who we see letting the dog sleep in her bed even though Danny totally told her not to, and they all become into Jesse'south room for a late night dance political party.  Joey breaks up the festivities and makes the girls go dorsum to bed as Jesse and Scott Baio announce that they're off to Tahoe for the evening but they'll be dorsum tomorrow nighttime for a large band reunion party they're throwing at the total house.

Joey puts the baby to bed and discovers that the domestic dog got under her covers somehow, which really doesn't brand sense seeing as how the canis familiaris being in Stephanie's bed was the plot point and we just saw it similar 30 seconds ago.  Well, I guess that doesn't matter because the Stephanie-wants-to-slumber-with-the-canis familiaris-in-her-bed subplot pales in comparison to the Michelle's-mad-at-the-canis familiaris-for-eating-her-"owse-cream" subplot, as least as far equally Nielson ratings are concerned.  Man, I bet the shows creators couldn't fucking expect to get that baby and that puppy in as many scenes together as they could perhaps cook up, even if it required a nonsensical, go-nowhere Stephanie sub-plot to get there.  Anyway, thanks to Joey's tactful intervention, the baby and the dog make up.  That's right, families at home, that infant and that puppy Dear each other!

Joey and Scott Baio throw their bands reunion political party, which plays out the same way as all of Jesse's festivities:  they sing lame covers while a bunch of late eighty's fashion don'ts trip the light fantastic toe effectually the living room.  Seriously, this is their big wild political party?  Where's the meth?  Where's the whores?  One of the dudes in their band has a keytar, which is at least kind of absurd, but he certainly doesn't look like he could kick anyone's donkey.  Scott Baio's been breaking Jesse's ball's for the concluding thirteen minutes about how wholesome and doughy he's becomes and THIS is his idea of a party?  They don't fifty-fifty practise anything that prevents the kids from being immune to be there.

In the midst of all this non-threatening fun, Danny and Rebecca Donaldson come abode, creating a scene almost entirely identical to the 1 in Season 1, Episode 2 where Jesse allow's the girls party at his band exercise instead of going to bed while Danny'south at work.  You recall information technology was an intentional homage?  I sincerely uncertainty it, and find information technology much more probable that the creators are but running out of scenarios.

Then the twist here is that Danny doesn't even give a shit about the party, apparently because he's also jazzed about his lame makeover to care about anything else.  Rebecca Donaldson gets kinda mad considering Jesse was dancing with some blonde titty daughter when she came in but it's not really a big deal.

Jesse tells all the political party-goers that they take to get home because it's the girls beddy bye time and Scott Baio calls him out on what a punk bitch he'south go.  Yeah, but a real weiner would allow three little girls to become to bed instead of rockin' out all night. Furthering the point of how lame Jesse has become, Scott Baio produces a tape of Jesse riding his motorcycle forth the edge of a 6 story building back in 1983, proving how rad he used to exist by contrast.  The switch between Jesse and the motorcycle stuntman in this scene is every bit obvious and inorganic as possible, even though they have a dub of Jesse exclaiming "have mercy" over the footage.  Golly, does this guy take to say his lame catch-phrase anytime he does anything or what?  I bet he says it every time he squeezes a turd out of his ass.

And so everyone gives Jesse a difficult time near how he wont do dumb ass dangerous stunts anymore and so he runs off to reenact the one from the tape, which brings us to a rare scene that takes identify exterior of the total house.

Jesse has a heartfelt conversation with Scott Baio on the roof of the building and Scott Baio all of a sudden really thinks that Jesse shouldn't perform the stunt.  The two of them talk for a while about their lives and the mode things have changed simply Scott Baio is ultimately unable to dissuade Jesse from doing the stunt.  At the last moment Rebecca Donaldson shows up and commands Jesse not to practise the stunt, which is kind of amazing.  I mean, here'southward Jesse desperately trying to rekindle his lost manhood and then his girlfriend rolls up and totally cuts his nuts off in front of everyone?

And then Jesse rides up to the ledge in a very suspenseful, low-upkeep scene simply he decides at the concluding minute non to exercise it, possibly because he's come up to his senses or maybe just because nobody really wanted him to do it anyhow.

Back at the total business firm, Jesse and Scott Baio bid each other a fond good day.  Yeah, I've got a feeling we won't be seeing that guy once more.  Jesse sits in the living room, deep in thought, and so DJ enters the scene and the two engage in a center to heart talk.  Jesse regrets not doing the lame stunt and and so DJ comforts him past quoting Nancy Reagan.  The music comes on as Jesse says he misses the old days and DJ points out how much closer they've get since then.  How come Scott Baio didn't get to have the scene with the music?  Why'south it gotta go to DJ?  Seriously, I wanna know if they had policies about when to utilise the music or what?  Anyway, Jesse realizes that DJ and the rest of her annoying asshole family are more meaningful and important to him than riding around on a motorbike and spreading gonorrhea all over California.  The end.

It was cool that we got to see Scott Baio and everything, but this episode is pretty much just the same Jesse story we've seen like 10 times already.  I kind of idea they laid this storyline to rest last season, merely I guess that since it's the closest thing to a  graphic symbol arc on the whole show they've gotta get the most they can out of it.  I mean, think virtually it;  the other storyline on this episode was about how the dog ate the infant's ice foam.


Source: https://therealfullhousereviewed.wordpress.com/2011/03/25/season-3-episode-9-dr-dare-rides-again/

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